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Mission is Design

Updated: Sep 28, 2018

It has been a long road behind starting to share more about architecture, urbanism and design through my ordinary everyday, travels and professional work . As I am heading next week to the Budapest Design Week 2018 I decided to kick-start this new journey.

When ever it comes to design, traveling and food I am super excited, because these are one of the powerful things that bring people together, shape their experiences and enrich their everyday ordinary life.

Architecture and food by nature bring people together and create a sense of connectedness. The coming weeks I will spend in Hungary and visit the Budapest Design Week 2018. During my visit I will be sharing with you about new and traditional design directions from one of the fastest growing economy of Europe. I will be sharing about architecture and urban design trends, interior design, interior styling, furniture making, fashion design trends and graphics.

The Budapest Design Week this year is lasting for 15 days as it is marking its' 15 years of activity. For me, this will be the second consecutive years attending events, exhibitions, open studios and city walks. I am excited to share with you what this great city and its' creatives able to offer.

Hereby with this new adventure related to my professional and personal life I would like to invite you to follow me on this journey where you will receive inside knowledge what is happening in and around Budapest. For me it is a great pleasure to share with you my journey and knowledge about design and I am with a great expectation staring interesting discuss over the topics on this blog and beyond. Hereby I would like to also encourage you to sign up to my Instagram for up to date visuals and stories.

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