Hivemind, an Urban Meal Mine
Location: London, UK
Program: Master planning for urban farming
Client: UNI
Area: 10 hectare
Year: 2018
Status: Competition
Team: Orsolya Mátyus (WeCare), Ian Chaplin (WeCare), Cecilia Dobos
Hivemind is a project that explores the possibility of urban farming through virtual reality gaming, where collaborative city farming meets a framework for serious gaming. Players get the opportunity to practice farming, harvest rewards and grow as urban farmers. Depending on interest, input and position the trajectory of the player develops freely. Every player plays a different game in a collective environment. Hivemind urban farming buildt up by about 1000 hexagonal areas of 100m². Players start with a plot and can expand in support of their progression as urban farmers.
Urban farming should become an unpredictable and exiting learning opportunity to relate to our times. The path of farming through gaming is up to the player. Hivemind lays down the framework to arouse curiosity for farming and provide the curation necessary for the players to grow in the collaborative environment of the Hivemind. The framework consists of public amenities and institutions that relate to the context and notably a supportive toolbox of elements.
Applying the concept in another city replenishes the pool of curious players and the shape of the game. This affords further depth into the game play for both players and designers. For example if the HIVEMIND would move outside the maritime climate of Great-Britain the toolbox provided should adjust to the requirements of the plants propagated in that climate in the condition of the seasons found there.
Urban farming and gaming
Spatial elements accommodating farming and communal life
Site Plan